Technical Skills

I always want to explore new skills. Here are some of the programing languages and frameworks/libraries I have learned during my professional journey.

  • Html5Expertise:95%
  • CSS3Expertise:95%
  • PythonExpertise:94%
  • JavaScriptExpertise:90%
  • ReactJsExpertise:80%
  • AWSExpertise:70%
  • SQLExpertise:70%

Analyst Programmer

I worked on Internal dashboards and also updated its design using Python and MS SQL using Flask framework. I worked on internal framework (RVW) to create payrolls and deployed various patches and deliverables inside servers. I maintained Log-shipping for various customers. I worked on Microsoft Power Apps for internal page designs. I Used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Front-end Design. I Used the Jinja2 Template engine for rendering dynamic web pages. I also Implemented updates, patches, and enhancements as needed and provided ongoing support and maintenance for existing applications.

Junior Software Developer

I worked as an Intern for 1 year in this company and after one year I continued as Full time employee. During this period of time I worked on different projects and gained so much knowledge. I used the Django Framework to develop the application. I worked on writing and reading data from CSV and Excel file formats. I built application logic using Python. I implemented the application's front-end pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Expertise in client scripting language and server-side scripting languages like JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, and Angular.js. Worked on the development of SQL and stored procedures on MYSQL. Experience in writing Sub Queries, Stored Procedures, Triggers, Cursors, and Functions on MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB database. I worked on AJAX framework to transform Datasets and Data tables into HTTP-serializable JSON strings.